MVP NCAA Baseball 2006 (Playstation 2)

MVP NCAA Baseball 2006 (Playstation 2)

SKU: PL2AGD45940

Regular price $11.99 Sale

Product Details

NCAA Baseball makes its video game debut with MVP 06 NCAA Baseball. You can control all the aspects of your throws and swings with the right analog stick. The game includes licensed teams, equipment, and ballparks from around the country. You can also customize many aspects of gameplay by creating ballparks, players, and universities, and by taking part in recruiting and in-depth stat tracking. In addition to the Road to Omaha career mode, the game features various multiplayer games.

UPC: PL2AAC45941
UPC: PL2AVG45939
UPC: PL2AGD45940
UPC: PL2ABN45937

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