Sky Jinks (Atari 2600)

Sky Jinks (Atari 2600)

SKU: AT26AC01821

Regular price $5.99 Sale

Product Details

What a beautiful day for the World Championship of Air Races. But, alas! Your mortal enemy, dastardly Dumont Doolittle, has cunningly arranged for a hot air balloon rally to float directly across your flight path. Don't let Dumont's high jinks keep you grounded! Gun your P41 to full throttle. Zoom across the lush, green fields. Careen precariously around pylons. Shave the very tips of trees, and snicker in delight as you dodge those bothersome balloonists. Eat your heart out Doolittle! The Thompson Trophy is within reach - as you soar under the clouds, and up, up into the record books with - Sky Jinks by Activision!

UPC: AT26AC01821
UPC: AT26VG01819
UPC: AT26GD01820
UPC: AT26BN01817

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